Monday, June 01, 2009

Why I Follow William Gibson on Twitter

So William Gibson has a Twitter account that less than 8,000 people follow.

To be clear, I'm talking about the author of cyberpunk classics like Neuromancer and Johnny Mnemonic; the man who made "cyberspace" a household word; probably the first science fiction author you would think of if I said to you, "internet." And he has less than 8,000 people following him.

To put this into perspective:
I guess this would be understandable if his "tweets" were the usual, "I'm having breakfast with the fam, I made bacon!" sort of prattle. (Or Mr. Wheaton's color commentary on the NHL playoffs, for that matter.) But here's the thing, William Gibson always, ALWAYS has the good shit, AND HE SHARES IT WITH YOU:


"Black Cable" in and Around DC (a growing problem for developers):

Bicycle Parkour in Scotland:

And this, about which I can think of nothing more to say than, "very, very cool, go check it out."

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