Monday, June 01, 2009

I Just Deleted the "Most Recently Played" Sidebar

I've realized that most of the music I listen to is either via iTunes radio (or the Rhythmbox equivalent when I'm booted into Linux) or other streaming sites. These services do not play nicely with Last.FM, or Last.FM hasn't figured out how to collect information from them, I don't know. The point is that unless I'm streaming music from Last.FM or listening to my library on iTunes, Last.FM doesn't have a clue what I'm listening to and the results get all screwy.

For example: according to Last.FM, my current favorite artist is Brian Eno, and the last time I listened to music was on Friday, when I listened to the entirety of the Sigur Rós album "Ágætis Byrjun." Now, I did indeed listen to "Ágætis Byrjun" on Friday (and enjoyed it very much, thank you) but I've since listened to Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue," DJ Shadow's "Preemptive Strike," and a collection of Jonathan Coulton songs on the CD player in my car. I also listened to an hour or two of Classical Music on Magnatune while doing some homework.

As far as I can tell, Last.FM has no way of when I listen to music on anything other than iTunes, iPod, or their site. And there's nothing wrong with that, I guess, if that's how the majority of their users listen to music. I don't, and so my "Recently Played" box has been empty for the past few months. I finally got tired of looking at it and just deleted it.

Enjoy the new sidebar with tons of Amazon.commy action!


avizs said...

Hi its Karen Kindelsperger- remember me ? I thought of you for some reason the other day and I had to look for you. From reading your blog you still love diet coke and are hilarious- seems you haven't changed much.

pugg said...

Hi Karen! I'm so glad you found me online. Hello and how are you!

I saw you on Twitter, but didn't think to look for you on Blogger as well.

I'm glad you like some of my posts, but sort of embarrassed that you clicked on my blog and saw a stupid vanity post about my account.

I've had several independent sources confirm that I have not changed since high school.

Hopefully I've become a little more humorous and a little less manic-depressive.

Anyway, I hope we have a chance to catch up. You can email, if you like, to or

By the way:
