Thursday, October 13, 2005

Why I Shouldn't Drive

[Posting from Frederick Community College Control Booth]

Monday night and I'm at MSO rehearsal. The Maryland Symphony Orchestra rehearses here at FCC about 2-3 times a year. They have their concerts at the Maryland Theatre in Hagerstown but, due to some bizarre conflict with that venue, they haven't been able to rehearse there for the past few years. So, every few months they truck all of their music stands and percussion instruments and what-not up to Frederick, rehearse here for three nights, and then truck everything back down to Hagerstown for the weekend concert.

It makes no sense to me, but it's an easy 4-5 hour babysitting gig (lights on, surf the Interweb, lights off, go home, repeat as necessary) and gives me time to catch up on my reading.

"So," you're all asking by now, "why SHOULDN'T you drive?"

Let me start by qualifying my initial statement. I shouldn't drive anything larger than a small-ish SUV, and probably should not be allowed to take even that into the DC-Metro area. This has been proven to me via several practical demonstrations over the past decade or so:

Demonstration the First, Spring 1993
I was approached by Jason Danner, a close friend of mine at college, and a fellow theatre student. (At least I think he was a theatre student. It's hard for me to be sure because Jason managed to extend his stay at Salisbury Steak University by switching majors at least once a semester. By the time administration finally caught on and forced graduation upon him, he had been at the school for six years and majored in almost every liberal arts major SSU offerred.)

Where was I?

Oh yes, Jason approached me and asked if I would be willing to drive with him to the Dulles airport and pick up two German exchange students who were arriving that night on a late flight. I had never driven in or around DC, but I agreed; partly because I liked hanging out with Jason, and partly because I knew I could force him to run lines with me in the car. We drove out to the airport, Jason half-heartedly feeding me lines from "Look Back in Anger" the whole way, and picked up the Germans, No Problem.

The First Problem With Driving in DC is this: The Way You Got There will never, ever, be The Way You Get Home. It started when I had trouble finding a way out of the airport and back onto Route 50. I toodled around the parking lots a few times until I saw a sign that I was pretty sure said, "MD50 - This Way." On reflection, I'm sure that what it really said was something like, "Turn Here If You Don't Know That MD50 Isn't This Way Sucker!" But I didn't take the time to read the fine print, I just turned That Way.

Needless to say, MD50 was not This Way. Of course, we didn't realize that until Jason, commenting on the various monuments and buildings we were passing, realized that we really shouldn't be seeing more monuments if we were, in fact, driving away from DC. At that point it was about 1:30am, and he and I started looking for a some sign to point us back onto MD50 while the Germans in the back seat tried to remain calm. This was their first visit to the Washington area, so all they knew of DC was what they saw on the international news; rampant crime, corruption and murder, in other words.

We finally got help when I sideswiped a Nigerian ambassador while trying to simultaneously make a right on red and read a street sign that some joker had mounted upside-down. The ambassador was very gracious about the whole thing, he didn't even bother to take my insurance information, and he was able to point out that Constitution Avenue (which we had crossed and re-crossed about six times that evening) was, in fact, MD50. We thanked the ambassador, piled back into the car, and headed home.

Looking back on that trip, years later, my only real regret is that I didn't swap information with the Nigerian Ambassador. Maybe if I had, I could tell him about the simply atrocious circumstances that Dr. Bisi Odum and his family have been forced into.

So now we skip ahead about ten years or so to...

Demonstration the Second, October 2004
I had graduated from college and was working for a respectable theatre supply company in Maryland. I was given the company van and asked to take some gear to a hotel in Reston, VA to set up for a trade show. This was only my second or third time driving the van, so I was a bit nervous to begin with. Reston, as you may know, is in Northern Virginia, but still close enough to DC for The First Problem to apply.

The Second Problem with driving in and around DC is this: Once You Get There, There Won't Be Any Place to Park. I pulled into the turnaround in front of the hotel, parked, and hopped out of the van, nearly colliding with a tiny Fillipino valet who had bustled over to intercept me.

"Hotel guest, sir?"
"Erm, no, I'm here for the convention and I need to load in."
"You cannot park here! Hotel guest only!"
"Yes, I understand, but I need to take my things [wave hands vaguely at rear of van] into the hotel [wave hands vaguely at hotel entrance]."
"Hotel guest only!"

At this point, the Head Valet (you could tell by the extra braids on his epaulets) emerged to take control of the situation.

"Are you a hotel guest, sir?"
"No, I'm here for the convention and need to load in."
"Ah-huh, well you can't park your vehicle here sir, you'll have to park on the street or in the parking deck."

I looked out at the street, filled with school buses from all over Northern Virginia. Then, I looked at the ... at the ...

"Excuse me, but where exactly is the parking deck?"
"What you need to do is pull out of the turnaround [straight arm karate-chop towards street] turn back onto the main street [double-handed judo throw towards rear of hotel] make a right at the corner [two-fisted tai-chi whatsis] go up about two and a half blocks and you'll see the entrance to the parking deck on your right."

"Two and a half blocks, you say? And there's nowhere closer that I could park?"
"Sure. You could park on the street."

I decided to not to point out that the large yellow buses lining the curbs meant that I could not, in fact, park on the street. I could tell that this was a man who would consider a mere physical impossibility no match for The Rules; and The Rules clearly said that if I wasn't a hotel guest, I wouldn't be parking in his goddamn turnaround. So I decided to try my luck with the parking deck.

There is something about parking decks that those of you who haven't driven a vehicle larger than the average SUV may not have noticed. There is almost always a large metal bar (or sometimes a sign) that hangs down in front of the entrance to the deck, suspended at the Maximum Clearance Height. I gather that the idea behind that bar is this: if you are driving a vehicle that is too tall to fit inside the parking deck, you'll bang into the bar before your vehicle can get wedged inside the deck.

Unfortunately, whoever built the parking deck in Reston didn't measure the max clearance correctly, or hung the sign at the wrong height, or possibly both because I was most of the way up the ramp to Level TWO before I heard a skreeee-unch! that told me the van was indeed too tall for their deck. I got out and surveyed the damage; the roof rack of the van had caught the underside of a support beam and had been pushed back about half the length of the roof.

Now, at this point, I had two options: I could try to back the van down out of the parking deck and then look for parking back at the hotel or on the street, or I could remove the roof rack entirely and find a parking spot on one of the upper levels. The "HOTEL GUEST ONLY!" incident was still a little too fresh in my mind, I guess, because I pulled some tools out of the van and took off the rack.

The guys at the shop gave me no end of grief about this, and I'm still more or less banned from driving the van, although special exceptions are made if there is absolutely no one else available and the trip does not involve any parking decks or low bridges.

Demonstration the Third, October 2005
Earlier this year, I sold a rolling dimmer rack to a client in Washington, DC. We planned to have the rack and assorted gear delivered to our shop in Frederick and then delivered by one of our guys. But, in sales as in DC driving, nothing is ever as simple as it at first seems.

The customer needed the gear sooner than the factory could provide it, which we solved by rush-shipping what we could and pulling loaner gear from our production stock. Then, we realized that all of our regular drivers were already booked for other jobs on the day the delivery needed to happen. To make matters more complex, the gear was too heavy to travel in any of the company vehicles. So what should've been a simple little sale now required us to rent a 16' box van with a lift gate, and then find some poor sucker to drive it into downtown DC.

I really don't need to tell you who the poor sucker was, do I?

I managed to get all the way into DC without any major problems and I must say, I was feeling pretty confident. I had looked up directions to my client's address online, and then double-checked those directions with one of our guys. He pointed out some roads that weren't truck-friendly, and offered some alternate routes. We found a route that would get me to my destination with the minimum number of turns, using truck-friendly roads, while avoiding as much of the actual city as possible. I hit the Beltway thinking I'd be at my destination in 45 minutes, tops, No Problem.

The Third Problem with driving in and around DC is this: No Matter Where You Get Your Directions, They'll Be Wrong. It turns out that the route we had worked out ahead of time as being the easiest and most truck-friendly became decidedly unfriendly once one entered DC proper. As soon as I crossed the Potomac, the road split and I was faced with two signs which said, "THE WAY YOU WANT TO GO (NO TRUCKS)" and, "THE WAY YOU REALLY DON'T WANT TO GO (ALL TRUCKS THIS ROUTE)."

What DC hadn't counted on, however, was that I had been expecting something this time. I quickly found an exit off of the trucks-only route and onto "K" street. I called my client on his cell and got an alternate route to his building. Barring traffic, he said, it should only take me about 10 minutes to get to him.

Ha Ha, DC-Metro Area! Take That! I knew I still had the First Problem to contend with, but I have to admit to feeling pretty good about myself as I wove my way across town towards my destination.

And then I had to make a right turn from "H" street onto 3rd. Now, right turns are not normally a big deal for me and even in the truck I had successfully managed quite a few of them that day. The trick to making turns in a larger vehicle is that you can't cut things too closely. However, when making a right-hand turn onto a two lane side-street with Parking Allowed, you should probably turn even wider than normal.

Because parking in downtown DC sucks; it sucks hard. Parking lots and decks charge upwards of $12.00 a day, which doesn't really matter because they're always filled to capacity. And thanks to The War on Terror, parking is verboten on many city streets. Just slowing down on some of those streets can get you a face full of angry traffic cop. So those few streets where parking is still Allowed fill up quickly, and densely. Any curb lacking red paint or a sufficiently threatening sign and/or attendant is guaranteed to be lined with cars packed bumper-to-bumper from one corner to the other by 9:00am.

(I still don't know who owned that Honda Accord. It had out-of-state tags, which means it was probably somebody in town for the weekend who had decided to extend their stay by a day. If you're out there, reading this entry right now, I'm sorry, deeply heart-wrenchingly sorry.)

The sound of Flimsy Imported Car being squished by Sturdy American Truck hit my ears about three-quarters of the way through the turn. I had cut the turn too close by just an inch or two, and caught the back end of the Accord with the steel frame of the truck's lift gate. Even at five miles an hour, the momentum of the truck was enough to shatter taillights, crumple crumple zones and drag the front end of the car up onto the curb.

I realized I had to find a place to pull over so I could call the police. But I was in downtown frickin' DC! Where was I supposed to find a place to stop, let alone park? To make matters worse, a bike messenger zoomed up alongside me and began shouting helpful comments such as, "You have to go back, man! They've got your tag number! You're fleeing the scene!" Thankfully, just a block away, I found a curb that was completely unoccupied. I figured it was probably a No Parking zone, but didn't worry about it since I'd be calling the cops on myself in a few minutes anyway. I parked, hopped out and started walking back to the accident scene.

I hadn't even made it to the end of the truck when I heard someone behind me.

"Sir! Excuse me, Sir!"

I turned around to see a guard hustling out of his booth towards me and gesturing at the truck.

"You can't park your truck here!" By now, he had caught up with me and I could read the badge on his uniform shirt.

"FBI POLICE." Seriously, FBI Police. I never even knew such a department existed; I mean, I thought the FBI were the police, or in charge of the police, or something. It's really a redundantly funny name when you think about it; sort of like "Secret Service Security" or "Star Trek Geek." But this guy looked armed and cranky, so I decided to keep my observations about his department to myself.

I explained to the FBI Officer, or Field Agent Patrolman, or whatever his title was that I had just been in an accident and needed to get back to the scene.

"I don't care, man, you can't leave your truck here," he said, pointing at the building next to the curb.

Now, I may not always be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I managed to put Blue's Clue's together pretty quickly this time: Downtown Washington DC, FBI Police, imposing building with bland architecture that fairly screamed "FEDS INSIDE!" Basically, what I had just done was parked my large, rented truck outside of the Washington Field Office of the FBI and then (looking shaky and nervous, remember) started to walk quickly away.

Within a few minutes, a half-dozen or so agents/officers had either pulled up in cars or walked over on their patrols. I gave my name to a few of them, and I explained what had happened to all of them at least once. I surrendered my driver's license to one of them and I'm pretty sure I gave one or two of them my business card. I opened the back of the truck for one of them, and then had to explain that the large black metal box inside was, in fact, a dimmer rack. Then I had to explain what a dimmer rack was.

Once I had moved the truck and the officers were all satisfied that I really had no evil plans for their building, they dispersed pretty quickly. The last two to leave told me that the Metro Police had been called to come and file a report, and that I should wait at the scene for them.

Two hours later, I gave up on waiting and flagged down a passing patrol car. The officers (regular old police officers this time) were very friendly and seemed positively amazed that I had waited at the scene for as long as I had to file an accident report.

"Most people just take off and we never find out who did it," one told me.

Of course, most people probably hadn't already given their name, driver's license number and business cards to ... THE FBI POLICE!

And that, so far at least, is why I shouldn't drive.


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