Thursday, October 20, 2005

This Post Sponsored by The Food Network

The Frederick Orchestra tonight; another babysitting gig, which I like because it lets me write. Also, I have the added bonus of three nights of classical music. I haven't looked at the program yet, but I'm pretty sure I heard a snatch of the perennial Halloween classic earlier.

A couple of foodie things I've been meaning to put in here. Since I find myself on the road a lot, I've been trying to keep mental notes of decent places to eat around the region. Yeah. Mental Notes. At least here they'll be written down somewhere accessible.

Cafe Gutenberg, in the Shockoe Bottom area of Richmond, is one of those few restaurants that made me consider making a return trip to the city (of about 4 hours, mind you) just eat there again. Sadly, I can't say it was entirely because of the food. The quiche I had was delicious, mind you, but it was the fact that the restaurant is also a working new-and-used bookstore that got me. I was able to browse while waiting to order, and picked up a used copy of Shardik by Richard Adams for a half-buck before lunch arrived. Their used books are cheap, but the food can be a little pricey.

Hey, I went to the U.S. State Department in DC and didn't get lost or wreck any vehicles! Yeah, so I took the Metro, I'm still proud. Casey's Coffee near GWU has a great breakfast bagel for the amazing-for-downtown-DC price of about $3.00. Any day I can get a sammich and drink in DC for less than $5 is a good day for me. The not getting lost or crashing was just a bonus.

Finally, a reminder to myself not to eat at the Panera Bread in Hagerstown. Normally, I love me some Panera, but the one out by Wal-Mart has got issues.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was working down in the district I'd head back to falls church and chow down there, it was much easier to find something unrushed there.