Saturday, October 29, 2005

It's Nice to Have Friends

[Quick one: Spires Brass Band at FCC tonight so I'm up and down between numbers.]

I received e-mails from two friends from I haven't heard in quite a while recently. It's always good to hear from old friends, but when it's been years (in one case over a decade!) it's extra-nice.

One of my best friends from the 80's (or "back in the day" as we used to say) Brian Plume, e-mailed a couple of weeks ago. The last time I had heard from him, I was living in the North Country, working my first sales job in the industry and getting over teh divorce. Now, I'm living south of the Mason-Dixon and working hard at both my third job (fourth, if you count my recent move from selling tape to selling theatres) and my second marriage.

(Brian's still on his first marriage, the slacker, but has produced at least two offspring.)

AJ Strauss, another dear friend with whom I've been out of touch for far too long e-mailed me a few months ago. I was thrilled to hear from him and replied to his message to say just that. A week later, after getting no further messages, I tried e-mailing him again. Still no repsonse. A week after that, I decided to try e-mailing from my work account, thinking that he might have filters in place that blocked web-based e-mails. Nada, I gave up hope. Either I had imagined the whole thing (possible, and I couldn't prove I hadn't since I accidentally deleted his message) or he was ignoring me now (unlikely since he e-mailed me first) or something was keeping me from seeing his replies. Then, earlier this week, I received the following:

From : A.J. Strauss
Sent : Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:25 PM
To : "Paul Shillinger, Jr."
Subject : Albert J. says, that he wants to know . . .

One more try!


Send all e-mail to

...which suggests to me that he never saw any of my replies.


So, I've written back to him, again, outlining several possible ways of replying to me; one of which, hopefully, will result in us actually being able to communicate.

Of course, I'll have to send a copy of that message from a few different e-mail accounts, just in case he's inadvertantly block all replies from me.

Man, the internet is hard.

Anyway, if you're out there, AJ, let me hear from you. Everyone else, go out and download Thousandaire, by AJ and his band The Sutras. Ooh! I just went over to the band's web site, and it looks like there's been a recent update! That's good to see, as I think the last update was shortly after the 2004 presidential election. Looks like they've got a new album, "Those are Mountains," coming out at the end of the year. Huzzah!

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