Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sigur Rós Song in the Latest Prince of Persia Ad

So I'm watching TV today (Spike of all networks but, hey, they're running a CSI marathon in between the Girls Gone Drunk ads) and I see an ad for the latest Prince of Persia game. I just about fell off the couch when I realized that a song by Sigur Rós was being used as the soundtrack. I just started listening to them, and now they're showing up on national television. Coincidence? You decide. Check it out:

I find that the song is "Sæglópur," from their 2005 album, takk. An interesting side-note: most of the song is actually sung in "Hopelandic," a sort of gibberish non-language invented by the band. More on that here: Thanks, Wikipedia!

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