Tuesday, September 02, 2008

In Other Depressing News...

Pretty much my only reason for going to Vegas is no more. "Star Trek: The Experience," at the Las Vegas Hilton closed on Monday, September 1.

Link to story at CNN.com.

Link to KLAS-TV (Las Vegas nOw!) with video.

I'm sad to see the attraction go, especially Quark's restaurant (no more Warp Core Breach! no more Wrap of Khan!) Even so, I couldn't help but chuckle at a few WTF-worthy moments in KLAS's report, like the staff cheering and clapping enthusiastically just before their final performance (it's the LAST time I have to pretend to understand Klingon!) and the manager of ST:TE claiming that, "there are people who feel that Star Trek cured their cancer."

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