Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hey Last.FM! WTF Happened to My Playlist?

It looks like I'm not the only one who hates the new Last.FM. I'm not all that upset about the new look, actually, but I noticed the other day that the playlist I'd spent a year accumulating had mysteriously disappeared from the Last.FM software. I logged into my page at the site and, after a good bit of digging around I find this:


Do what now? I have to pay USD$3.00/month to listen to my playlist? Thanks, but no thanks, guys.

UPDATE: After doing some more reading, it now appears that I can still play the songs on my playlist provided that (a) they're available as full-length tracks and not just 30-second previews and (b) I don't mind either listening to my entire library in the order that I created it and further (c) I'm okay with going to my Last.FM page at the end of each song and clicking the PLAY button to hear the next song. Or I can listen to "My Library," but that's a can of worms I'm not looking to open right now.

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