Thursday, February 07, 2008

Where I'm From

I was posting this picture of me, age 7 or so, to my Flickr account and I wasn't sure I remembered how to spell the name of the town in which it was taken.

I hit up Google Maps and tried my best recollection of the name of the town: Pirmasens, Germany.

I had the spelling correct, by the way, and I'm pretty sure this picture was taken there, when we were living in an apartment on Ringstraße ("Ring Street"). I would have totally flubbed that spelling if not for Google Maps, I always thought it was two words: Ring Strasse.

What do you from me? I was just a little kid!

I was surprised to see how urbanized that little town is. Maybe it's just my fuzzy memories of childhood, but when I think back to that time, I see a small neighborhood, not the city that Google showed me.

Finally, I also discovered that I can embed Google Maps into my posts, so you can look forward to lots more thrilling images like this:

Whoops! The Google Maps Link is B0rked!

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