Thursday, February 07, 2008

Correction Time

I was talking with my family this evening about the subject of last night's post. I mentioned how surprised I was at the development that had happened around Pirmasens since we lived there.

"We didn't live in Pirmasens," they told me. We lived in Höheischweiler." I did some research on Göögle and can see my mistake. The US Army Base was located in Pirmasens. The little town I was thinking of was Höheischweiler, which also had a Ringstrasse. It's apparently a pretty common street name. Hey! Let's look at another map!

Whoops! Google Maps is still b0rked!

Fun Fact! The local brewery around Pirmasens was Park & Bellheimer. I still have some Park coasters, but have long since misplaced my mugs. Henry had a job at the brewery for a few weeks in the mid-70s, but was let go after he drank too many beers on the job and, I believe, wrecked a forklift. We never got the full story out of him.

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