Thursday, November 29, 2007


So, a year ago I posted this, linking to the video above and commenting on how the setting reminded me of Pattern Recognition, which I had just finished re-reading. This past Tuesday, William Gibson posted this on his blog, linking to the same video on YouTube.

Maybe it's just a coincidence, but it could also mean one of three things:

1) I was correct in my assessment of the Gibsonian nature of that particular video; it just took him a year to find it for himself.

2) William Gibson was vanity-surfing, stumbled across my old post and liked the video.

3) William Gibson reads my blog regularly, liked the video, but held off a year posting his own link so I wouldn't know that he's a fan. Because he's shy, you see.

Are you reading my blog, Bill? It's okay if you are. You can tell me, I won't be mad.

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