Saturday, January 07, 2006

That Parkour Thing

Jumping once again onto the "day-late" bandwagon; I've been checking out some of the Parkour footage available on the 'net.

Parkour, for those even less up-to-date than I, is basically a combination of running, freestyle gymnastics, and a Jackie Chan movie. The emphasis in this rather well-done Russian video, seems to be mostly on the Jackie Chan. Or, considering the choice of soundtrack, the Brothers Wachowski.

Oh, and for what it's worth, I've known about Parkour for at least as long as Ray has.

Final thought: the Russian video was, for me, the perfect chaser to William Gibson's Pattern Recognition, which I just re-read a few days ago. Not so much because of the running and the jumping as for the post-industrial setting and the (non-Matrix-y parts of) soundtrack.

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