Friday, December 04, 2009

Green Screen Tech Comes Home

I just saw the commercial for Yoostar(tm), which is basically a home green-screen video set-up with software that puts you into a movie or television scene.

It looks like a great concept, but right now there's only a limited catalog of scenes available. You only get 14 scenes when you purchase the system; the rest are available to download for a few bucks each. It's also pretty constraining; you can only upload your scenes to the Yoostar site or view them using on your computer using the proprietary Yoostar application. If you were hoping to YouTube your best Elwood Blues impression or burn Gramma's role as Blacula to DVD, you're out of luck.

Still, I'm excited to see yet another tool of video professionals being made affordable enough ($169.99 at Best Buy) for amateurs, and I can't wait to see what the hackers do with it. In the meantime, enjoy this clip, with Snoop Dogg whoring himself out at Tommy Chong, Marlon Brando & others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are 250 scenes available from a catalog that includes "The Godfather," "Blade Runner," "Beverly Hills Cop," "The Wizard of Oz," "Gone With the Wind," "Shaun of the Dead," and on and on. Have a look at the movies available in the store:

And more scenes from other major modern and classic films are added every week. This product just went into limited release in August and available widely through Best Buy and Amazon in October. Do you remember what the gen-1 versions of Guitar Hero or Rock Band were like? Yoostar is innovative, relatively inexpensive, and a whole lotta fun! I think it has a megawatt future!