Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Doctorow Reviews Sterling Novel / Bashes Hippies

Not really, but I couldn't resist that headline. Over at BoingBoing, Cory Doctorow has a review of the first Bruce Sterling novel in a while to pique my interest, The Caryatids; he also provides this thought about the future of environmentalism:

" Earth's future -- and in Sterling's -- there's no going back to the land for us. Not because the land is too poisoned, but because billions of charcoal-burning hunter-gatherers are far more hazardous to the planet than a neatly ordered world of cities in which technology is used to minimize our footprints by giving us smarter handprints."

Take that, all you tree-hugging dirt lovers.

Cory Doctorow's Review of The Caryatids @ BoingBoing

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