Saturday, January 26, 2008

What I've Learned from Web Comics

A few random thoughts while I wait for AVG to finish scanning for "threats." Like most office drones I spend my lunch break surfing the internet. Unlike most office drones, I don't spend my lunch break at Something Awful, MySpace, or; I read web comics. Over the years, I've been introduced to new foods, bands, fads and artists through the comics I read. Here's a quick list of some of them:

Cat and Girl: Dorothy introduced me to Joseph Beuys and Chris Burden, and generally reminds me to keep be more open to contemporary art. (Also, not to drink paint.)

Achewood: Onstad has introduced me to new ideas in food and cooking (usually via one of the in-character blogs) and is the only artist I can think of to use risotto as a punch line. He also provides me with useful insights into fads, food, cars, and technology.

Overcompensating: I've found out about a bunch of music via the Dumbrella forums, which I started reading because of Wigu and, later, Overcompensating (which I can never spell right on the first try). I blame Dumbrella for the fact that I now own a couple of White Stripes CDs, and some "gangsta rap" singles. Jeffrey himself serves as a constant reminder that Oklahoma occasionally does produce decent, talented people. And then they move out-of-state as soon as possible.

XKCD usually sends me up to the Google bar to look up some math or computer science reference that I just don't get. To be fair, there is a clear warning on the site that the comics occasionally contain "advanced mathematics...which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors" It also reminds me to watch out for velociraptors.

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