Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Google Video to Internet: "No Porn for You!"

[Jazz Ensemble rehearsing tonight at FCC. Spent most of the first two hours riding levels to keep the vocalist audible, and now I'm up and down between sets as the band rehearses.]

A day or two after I posted about the "Wizards of Winter" video, I discovered Google Video. Finally! A search engine that makes it quick and simple to find funny cats, Parkour footage, Family Guy clips, and videos of diet soda/candy experiments set to geek-punk!

The service is still in beta for now, and I've noticed two odd things about it so far:

First, if you search for a term, any term, and then click the "Refresh" button on your browser, you'll get a page of almost entirely different results. I can only guess that this has something to do the ranking system that they're using for video searches.

The second odd thing I've noticed is that Google seems to be preventing the most obvious use of this technology. It's no secret, the Googlemen specfically forbid it in the Google Video Upload Program Policy. It's even sparked some minor controversey.

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