Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Tallest Man on Earth

I've told you about The Tallest Man on Earth, right? I haven't?! Quick! Watch this video! No no no! There's no time to thank me now! Do it later! Click! Hurry!

Bacon Is A Vegetable Is A Rip-Off UPDATED!

So, first off, there's this blog called Baconation-baconation. I'm not linking to it directly because I don't want the three people who read this blog (hi mom!) to give them any additional traffic. I'll get to why they thought their blog was so nice they had to name it twice in a second. First, let me rant.

The blog itself is pretty terrible. The animated .gifs in the right-hand column are particularly distracting and annoying, and the content seems to be a regurgitation of other articles on the web, put there simply as a framework for click-through images of their CafePress products.

What really gets me, though, is that a good many of the products offered in the "Baconation" Cafe Press store are stolen images from other, talented, artists.

Example: They offer products with something eerily similar to this design (see above) by rstevens of Diesel Sweeties fame. Trust me, even if you're credulous enought to believe that two people could come up the the phrase "bacon is a vegetable," the other dudes' design is clearly a rip-off of Mr. Stevens' work.

As if that weren't enough, the Baconation jerks then decided to rip off one of my favorite bacon-related webcomics of all time from XKCD. I mean come on people, what's next? Stealing the title of your crappy blog from some other bacon-related blog? OH WAIT YOU DID THAT TOO.

"The crappy Bacon is a Vegetable rip-off shirt was taken down thanks to all you rad Twitter people!"

Hurray for Twitter-based crowdsourcing!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Holy Crap I Want This

Commodore 64 Original Hardware Laptop

"This is a fully functional Commodore 64 laptop using actual hardware, specifically the C64C motherboard which was one of the last and smallest revisions. It uses a Gamecube power supply in place of the original power brick.

For storage there’s a device called the 1541-III DTV to “emulate” a floppy drive using an SD card. (Click here for more info) The SD card is formatted FAT-32 so you can dump disk images on it using a PC, and read it with the C64 - pretty cool!"

Demo Video: